The group ..
.. hard at work :D
Friday, 23 July 2010
Day 10 ?!

Day 9 ?!

Thursday, 22 July 2010
Arts Award Part D
I chose to do a short video project as it would not only be a challenge as I didn't know much about shooting film or editing it, but also because it was something I have always wanted to have a go at. I remember when I was young watching animal documentaries and thinking 'I could do that'. But I was always interested in filming people rather than animals but in the style they film animals. You known in secret so they would behave naturally. I then took the idea that the animals were filming humans. This eventually led to the "City of Ratz" video I made for my final big project. I involved other people not only by filming them and practicing on them with staged walking sequences but I asked others opinions on how to edit the footage e.g. what music or shots to choose.
When I first took the camera out and filmed staged walking I discovered I did not need a tripod to hold the camera as it would then be too high a shot. Instead I laid the camera on the floor to give the impression of a rat looking up at people. I also learned that to capture people walking in the street naturally I would have to hide myself as the people would be weary of the camera and therefore behaviour differently and not relaxed. So any bushes and high bins that could be hid under, I did hide under. The things I do for art :D. So many grazes and ant bites were collected, my arms were red raw.
I think my film shooting was a success as I achieved the goals that I set out for and managed to get it edited without major problems. I am pleased with the outcome and would be encouraged to do it again or something similar because of the success of this project. Also Vicky was very pleased with my work and my attitude towards my work. She was also pleased with my writing abilities and generally how I had conducted myself on work experience. Below is my short video project.
City of Ratz Project: http://www.youtube.com/SYAS2010
Day 6 ?!
Day 8 ?!

Bank Street seems so amazing to me as all the studios are close together and there are many more than you would expect of a building that size. Also one of the manager s of Bank Street gave us an intro to the gallery and told us about the vast range of artists and talents they had. It sounded like a real community. Even though its a rather tight crowded building it seems warm and friendly with a great positive vibe. There’s a lovely central courtyard area that gives it a bright communal heart. There are even showers for those artists that wish to work over night on their art. Whatta place!
Day 7 ?!
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Arts Award Part C
For this task I interviewed Rob Speranza (part of the South Yorkshire Film makers Network.) who I chose after he came in to talk about his career and work because he was full of energy and very positive. Also because I was interested in do a short film for my main project I though he would be able to give me the inspiration I needed and possibly some advice. Which he did. He enlightened me to the job of producer and what goes into making a short film. He also told me how I could take my films to become a known film maker if was prepared to except the responsibilities. I enjoyed coming up with questions after listening to him talk and thinking about what would be really useful to me for my film and for thinking about a possible future in film.
Check out my interview here: http://www.radiowaves.co.uk/story/150875/title/BillyEllerbyinterviewsproducerfilmmakerRobSperanza
Arts Award Part B

For my Arts Award part B, where I have to be an auidnece member and review and share my experience, I chose the Harris Epaminonda exhibit at Site Gallery. As when we were first introduced to the art with an immense racket of drills and hammers ruining the atmosphere of enchantment I needed to go and spend some more time with it.
At first glance the exhibit seemed dull and boring but upon my second visit I felt the true nature of the work was revealed. During the silence of the gallery, a distant symphony of mystical music flowed from hidden speakers. This coupled with the real time silent movies from Cyprus demanded my complete transfixion on the piece.
The way the films contrast the silence (circuses parading unhappy animals and cars dragging trees) really creates an outer body atmosphere like a dream. The best piece was the circus scene which was inside an isolated gallery of complete silence. The generally ecstatic environment of a circus is contrasted by the silence. Getting you to focus on the misery of the animals performing.
Many pieces of art are great because they make you think, but this one is great because it doesn't. It’s a subconscious experience that’s more about feeling than a difficult answer.
The lack of sound and light focuses you on the art. The only thing you see, the only thing you can picture in your mind. All is emptied out except for the seemingly eternal film, transforming you to a zombie like state in which an hour becomes 30 seconds. Truly mesmerizing.
Monday, 19 July 2010
Day 5 ?!
Friday, 16 July 2010
Day 4 ?!

Day 3 ?!

Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Part A
Billy Ellerby Arts Award
Part A : Taking part in Arts
Within my time at the site gallery i will improve my film shooting/film editing capabilities because i feel it is a part of art i always wanted to try yet never had the chance. Also i feel it would be a challenge as i have never experienced film making before. By speaking to artists that use film and film makers I can find out areas i can improve on and what makes a good film. I will then produce my own small film, inspired by Rob and his work, in order to evidence and display what i have learned.
The top left image is me interviewing Rob Sparanza, a Film Producer working with the South Yorkshire Film Association. I chose to interview Rob after hearing him speak to the group about small films and how we could easily produce one. It stood out to me because the opportunity to express myself with limitless possibilities. The interview can be heard on CUBE radio. The image to the the right is me and Jesse practicing filming. Ben Moon (media artist) was also very helpful in guiding me through the camcorders and imovie (film editing software).
From these i have learnt that you don't always need to be planning to film something, sometimes you have to be opportunistic especially when filming real life. I also learnt the role of producer and their contribution to film and film making. The short film I have produced is also part of my Part D of my arts award and is posted under this section. My interview with Rob was also part of my Part C.
Day 2 ?!
After this session we returned to the main studio for another intro this time about the art exhibition we will be seeing. An unusual and edgy display of soundless repeating short films of peculiar events from the artist’s (Haris Epaminonda) homeland of Cypress. It created a very surreal environment. Then we were given a talk through of the exhibition by the gallery curator, Jeanine Griffiths. She explained the exhibition and answered some of our questions. After the exhibition we returned to the main studio to meet Rob Speranza, a film producer, who let us watch his film - Into the woods - and gave us his experiences of creative media. We were also paid a visit from Richard Bolam, a time lapse artist who also showed us his time lapse films. Some nice ideas to think about there too.
After lunch we ventured out into the city centre armed with camcorders to try and capture our own miniature films showing the ‘passing of time’. In the winter gardens we filmed the water and the reflections from the windows. All was going 'swimmingly' until it started raining :( so we headed back. When we got back we uploaded our films so we can hopefully put them online. Wet and watery!
Day 1 ?!
Click click tick tick. My the mind wonders. 8 of us now. 8. We are given a tour of the dreaded mine field that is a Mac. The talk is long yet intriguing to us all. We are yet again enlightened to the concept of it all. A 2 week course of creation, imagination and thought.
All i had was Banoffee pie. Over and over again. Banoffee, banoffee, banoffee. But then inspiration. A shining light. It falls from the sky and in-beds itself in my cranium. There it plants its roots firm and deep. Growing, changing, evolving. Shoes with Shoes. Shoes on buildings. Shoes on ceilings. I can’t control the swelling. It’s beating its way down my neck and through my teeth.
I ask Lucy. What about shoes stuck to the wall of the cheese grater car park. The one in the town centre. The big silver one. I never quite got that building, i mean it’s different but something about it screams it’s trying too hard. Too hard to be seen. But something like a pair of Converse stuck to the wall could make it seem [or should i say scene] good ;)
Today was the first day of what is going to be a great two weeks of work experience. Already we've heard of a man who uses ELEPHANT POO! in his work from a talk with artist Lesley Guy and the mysterious art of face hiding. What a day ! What a week!? Hopefully!? Most definitely !